Founded in 1961, The Association of State Supervisors of Mathematics is a professional organization whose membership is entirely composed of current or previous state, territorial, or provincial supervisors of mathematics education. The organization not only serves as a network for state or provincial supervisors of mathematics, but our members are leaders in state and national efforts to improve mathematics education.
The following types of memberships exist:
Regular Members: A regular member may be any member of the staff of the education agency of any United States state/commonwealth/territory/ possession, the District of Columbia, Department of Defense Education Activity, or Canadian Province whose function is to provide supervising and/or consulting services in mathematics. Regular members may vote, hold office and will pay dues.
Associate Membership: A person who has held continuous regular membership for two or more years and no longer meets the criteria for regular membership may be an associate member. Associate members will have the rights and privileges of regular membership, but they may not vote nor hold elected office. Associate members will be assessed the same dues as regular members. One year of non-payment of dues will terminate the membership.
Emeritus Members: A person who has retired from his/her position while a regular member of the association and who has at least five years of continuous membership immediately before retirement may be an emeritus member. Emeritus members will have have the rights and privileges of regular membership, but they may not vote nor hold elected office.