Vice President for Membership |
April Pforts has served as a K-12 Mathematics Consultant with the Iowa Department of Education since the year 2016. She possesses over 20 years of experience in the field of education. Ms. Pforts holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics, a Master of Arts degree in Educational Leadership accompanied by Principal Licensure, and certification as a Pre-Kindergarten through 12th Grade Special Education Evaluator. During her tenure in the classroom, she instructed middle and high school students, operated as a mathematics coach, served as an adjunct professor at a community college, engaged as an online virtual mathematics teacher with Iowa Learning Online, contributed to the development of assessment items for grades 3 through 8, acted as a digital library contributor and evaluator, and her classroom practices were recorded and subsequently utilized to create a comprehensive module on formative assessment in high school for the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium. April previously served as the ASSM Website Coordinator. |